VIN Number Check

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Each car registered in Britain must have a unique, stamped-in vehicle identification (or VIN) number. This should not be confused with the license plate which every car must display at the exterior’s front and back.

We will explain the significance of your vehicle identification number and what it means for you and other motorists.

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What is a VIN?

The vehicle identification number is basically a car’s fingerprint. Each VIN is unique to each vehicle, allowing authorities to identify the exact vehicle they are dealing with.

Authorities can use the VIN to identify a vehicle’s manufacturer, specifications and unique features. It can be used to track an automobile’s insurance coverage and status, as well as its registration status, if it was recalled, stolen, or for warranty claims.

Read also: Check Vehicle Insurance

Each VIN is composed of 17 characters (both capital letters and digits) that form an unique code for each car.

A Vehicle Identification Number may be shorter for cars built before 1981. For cars made before 1981, the code can be between 11 and 17 characters.

Where can I find the VIN number of my car?

The car’s vehicle identification number is typically stamped on the chassis. The VIN number of a car is usually located on the dashboard’s driver side.

Alternately, the VIN can be located in other places such as the front of your engine block or under the spare tire.

Motorists can also check the owner’s manual or insurance documents to find out the VIN of their vehicle.

What is the best way to find my car’s identification number

The DVLA will often ask for the VIN if you are attempting to rebuild, modify, or radically alter a vehicle.

If you can prove the identity of the vehicle, you may be allowed to keep it. If that is not possible, you will need to apply for a new identification number.

If your vehicle passes the DVLA assessment, the DVLA will issue you an authorization letter.

After the DVLA approves your vehicle and confirms that it has the correct vehicle identification numbers, you will be able register it for road use.

Using Check Reg To Verify VIN Number Check

Make sure to check the Reg This service allows you to find out more about a vehicle using its information. UK Register Number. Check Reg allows you to perform a VIN number check by receiving the following information.

  • Basic Model Information (Make/Model, Colour, and Engine Size)
  • MOT Record (including results and details)
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

All information in this site is pulled directly form the DVLA, DVSA and other third-party data sources.

We currently offer three packages:

  • Initial Check (Free)
  • Standard Check
  • Deluxe Check

On the pricing page, you can view a complete comparison of each check. Below is a summary.

Initial Check

The initial check is completely free and provides useful information like Tax, MOT and vehicle data. Our free check is available by registering on our homepage.

Deluxe Check

If you’re thinking of buying a used car, the premium deluxe check is a good option. It includes more useful information than the free check. Some of these data include:

Stolen check. Finance check. Scrapped check. Written off check. Import/Export check. Mileage check. Colour change check. Reg plate check. And more.

Standard Check

The standard check is available to anyone who needs all the same data as the deluxe check, but without any outstanding finance checks or vehicle valuation data.

The standard checks still include:

Stolen, scrapped, written off, Import/Export, Mileage, Colour change, Reg plate change, and more.

The standard test doesn’t include:

Finance check, vehicle valuation data, PS30,000 Data Guarantee.